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Extract of the support network
Access to Industry
Austria (Mobility)
Switzerland (Infrastructure)
Switzerland (Textiles)
India (Finance)
Switzerland (Industry)
Switzerland (Water)
Switzerland (Mobility)
Finland (Waste Management)
International (Entrepreneurship)
India (Water)
Switzerland (Agriculture)
Finland (Energy)
Switzerland (Tourism)
Access to Institutions
Switzerland (Secretariat Economic Affairs)
East Timor (School)
International Committee of the Red Cross
Germany (Secretariat for Int. Collaboration)
East Timor (School)
Access to Academia
University of St.Gallen
Prof. Dr. Roger Moser
HTW Chur / Applied Science
Prof. Dr. Barbara Haller
University Hospital SG
Prof. Dr. Joseph Osterwalder
Udayana University
None specific
Zurich University of Teacher
Prof. Dr. Manfred Pfiffner
University of Timor-Leste
None specific
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